you’re an awesome coach, trainer, or consultant that wants nothing more than to use your LIFE-CHANGING skills to help people reach their goals, but…

Coaching Business Development Strategy Jenesis Rose Long

YOU’RE STRUGGLING TO reach your sales goals…

which makes enjoying your business really freaking hard…

so you feel kinda all over the place, overwhelmed, and confused about what to “fix”…



ugh, i’ve been there, and i know, it feels so frustrating!  

let’s work together to clarify your marketing & sales strategy so you can call-in the people that are looking for help from someone just like you!

I know you’ve been doing your best to show up on social media, but you’re not sure how to call in your ready-to-buy clients…

You’ve even been mentioning your offers, maybe you even have a sales page up, but you’ve made very little, very inconsistent sales (if any)…

And you’re starting to wonder if there is something wrong with your offer, your brand, or worse… you.

*cue feelings of shame, social media avoidance and panic whenever someone asks you about your business*

P.S. NO. It’s not you, and YES, you are 100% good enough.

I’m here to help.

Let’s make you more money together!

Furniture - Sitting

It’s time to create your marketing and sales strategy that is authentically YOU!

One that honors your personal values, professional experience, and innate passions.

In this personalized Marketing & Sales Intensive, we will clarify your approach so it is EASY for you to talk about what you do, write content for your online presence, share authentic stories that connect with your community, and sell with integrity.

You will leave feeling confident that you are on the right track with your business so you can take well-aligned action and start serving your ideal clients!

Ready to clarify your brand? Book Your Session Now 

here's how it works:

Once you complete the intake form with a series of questions for you to answer so that I can prepare for your call, you’ll pay your invoice, and book us a time to meet. 

Then we’ll connect on a 1.5 hour Zoom call (with or without video). I’ll ask you a series of questions, offer reflective prompts to help you talk out your goals so I can listen for your brand’s voice, and help you identify your unique marketing messaging and strategy.

After, you’ll receive a recording of our conversation that you can refer back to, a visual concept of your marketing and sales funnel, and we’ll keep in touch virtually for 2 weeks of Q+A as you implement the shifts we identified to your approach. 

Ultimately: you’ll feel more confident because you’ll know what to work on, what to say in your social media posts, and you’ll have a solid strategy clarified, so you can attract aligned clients into your world that can’t wait to work with you!!


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“Now I am feeling confident to continue going forward with my business!” 

– Health And Wellness Coach, Corinne K.

“Before talking with Jenesis, I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed with getting it ‘exactly right’. After my call with Jenesis I gained a ton of clarity and realized I am farther along than I thought! Now I am feeling confident to continue going forward with marketing my business!” 

“Every business owner needs this!” 

– Career Coach, Anne G.

In an extraordinarily short amount of time, you’ve helped provide a level of clarity that’s going to push my business in the exact direction it needs to be successful. I thought I had things pretty well figured out before, but you are challenging me to stretch my thinking while honing in on what’s going to make the biggest impact in both the long and short term. This is exactly the kind of boost I needed, and I’m so glad we are working together!”

Face - Hair coloring

Ready to get started? Book Your Marketing & Sales Intensive Now