Successful coaches in 2022 are working on their self-beliefs everyday. They know that the self-beliefs we hold as coaches influence the way we show up in our social media content, on our coaching calls, and in our personal lives with our family and friends.
In order to be a successful coaching business owner that has new clients consistently joining their coaching programs and courses, you need to work on your self-beliefs every single day. While earning my Honors Bachelor’s of Psychology degree from Oregon State University, I learned all about how our cognitive abilities can be helpful or harmful depending on the lens in which we experience the world. All of us have different lenses that are made up of our self-beliefs, experiences, and knowledge.
While we may not have much control over the experiences we have, we always have control over how we interpret those experiences and how we incorporate those interpretations into the way we view ourselves. Our self-beliefs as coaches are critical to keep an eye on. If we are not feeling worthy of success, open to new opportunities, and confident in our abilities to help coach our ideal clients to their goals, we are far less likely to show up courageously in our business. Not taking courageous action as a coach can lead to a stagnating business that can lead to fears and questions like, “Am I really good enough for this?” “Is it possible for me to develop a thriving coaching business?” “Maybe I should quit my entrepreneurial dream and go get a full-time job again.”
If you work on your self-beliefs every day by challenging those negative fears and doubts with positive self-beliefs and proving their truth by focusing on the reality of your worthiness, you will be infinitely more successful! Coaches that have a daily self-love practice to improve their self-beliefs are the coaches that are showing up everyday on their social media accounts, trying new marketing strategies, and are consistently signing up new coaching clients.
If you are ready to grow your coaching business, try out these three self-love strategies and consider these 10 self-beliefs of successful coaches:
- Practice mindfulness meditation for 5 minutes. Find a comfortable spot to sit, set a timer on your phone, and shut your eyes. For 5 minutes, try to focus your attention and thoughts only on your breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your nostrils. Feel the sensation of your lungs, chest, and stomach expanding and contracting with each deep breath. As your mind wanders (because it will) allow your attention to stray, acknowledge what you are having a thought about (example: I’m thinking about my neighbor’s lawn mower making noise), then redirect your attention back to your breath. Take a deep breath and again, focus on the sensations of your body doing exactly what it is designed to do in a perfect way. Repeat this process until your alarm goes off.
- Write down 10 things you are grateful for. Any acknowledgement of that which you are grateful for will improve your self-beliefs, as it will put you in a state of appreciation… However, I recommend you try thinking of a few different types of things you are grateful for, such as: 3 personality traits you are grateful to yourself for developing, 3 people in your life that you appreciate, 3 experiences you are grateful you have had in your life, 3 items you appreciate, or 3 reasons you are grateful to be running your own coaching business.
- Practice self-forgiveness. We all carry around things we wish we could be doing better, and it’s easy to let those ideas for improvement be rooted in shame and disappointment in ourselves. Make sure you are attending to your self-beliefs by forgiving yourself for the things that you are working on improving. Do this by asking yourself, “What do I need to forgive myself for today?” Then, reword what comes up into a positive self-belief. Example: “I need to forgive myself for not showing up and selling my coaching services often enough this month” >>>becomes>>> “I am allowed to take breaks from my business and will re-engage when I am ready.”
- Surround yourself with positive self-beliefs. Some people call these affirmations, or mantras, but essentially, this tip allows you to feed your creative and fast-moving mind positive self-beliefs that you choose to focus on. Throughout our days we can have as many as 6,000 thoughts cross our minds, many of which we don’t know seek to think. These thoughts come from negative experiences in our past, harmful words of others, or media we are taking in that cause us to think negatively about ourselves. I recommend writing a few of these positive self-beliefs down on sticky notes and adding them to your desk and bathroom mirror. I’ve also had clients create desktop backgrounds, phone backgrounds, and set reminders on their calendars to read their positive self-beliefs aloud multiple times a day.
- Here are 10 positive self-beliefs successful coaches have embedded into the lens in which they view themselves:
- I bring positivity and joy into my audience’s life.
- I have immense value to share with my clients.
- I improve the lives of those I interact with.
- I allow myself to take courageous action.
- I am free to make mistakes and learn from them.
- I can be seen and stay safe.
- My ideal clients love the way I sell.
- My ideal clients love my content.
- I attract new opportunities into my life everyday.
- Being myself is enough.
My hope is that this blog post about self-beliefs of successful coaches gives you at least one new strategy to try that will ultimately allow you to show up courageously in your marketing materials, so that you make more coaching sales. I believes that coaches can heal the world, but only if coaches make more sales!